How did you make up the hour?

I am still feeling tired having lost an hour of sleep this weekend; what about you? The entire idea of changing the clocks as we spring forward and fall behind got me thinking about what I would do with the hour we lost. Sixty minutes is a lot of time. I can pack an hour with emails, phone calls, a trip to the store and straightening my house. What did you do this morning between 8 and 9. For those of you in my therapeutic yoga class, we rolled, aligned our bodies and learned about why it is so important to open up our feet each morning for better stability, flexibility and mobility. And, starting off your day by opening your feet makes a difference in how you feel all day. When we open our feet, we create a strong foundation and wake-up the nerve endings at our base. Whether you roll on a tennis ball, peanut or shake hands with your feet, taking just five to ten minutes each morning will give you the spring you need to move forward with your day.

Now back to my question, how did you make up the hour? I decided to power through the day and know that my body will adjust itself over the next few days. It is amazing how smart our bodies can be when we take care of them.

Have a great day and enjoy the spring in your step —

Namesta – and hope to see you on the mat