Feeling like you are in a RUT?

So, you kicked-off 2019 with a set of resolutions and promise to yourself to get healthy, exercise and have an adventure. With great intentions and hopefulness, you may have fallen into a rut.

It is natural that during the winter months, with the days shorter and the weather colder that getting into a routine often feels like spiraling downhill into a rut. NOW is the time to shake it off. And, here are some suggestions that can create a new favorite something – activity, hairstylist and food. Consider experimenting with a new recipe, spice or food. I like watching the food channel or one of the chef competitions and go from the television to my computer for find a new recipe and then head to the store. Or, if you are not the best in the kitchen, make a reservation at a restaurant that you have never been to with a different cuisine and test your palate.  You may find a new “go to” place to dine. You may also want to get way out of your comfort zone and make an appointment at a new stylist for a makeover – hair, makeup or fashionista may be just what you need.

Understanding that you may not be ready for an entirely new you consider attending new yoga class that features therapeutic, yin or even restorative poses and sequences. What ever you decided to do moving into the unknown can sometimes be scary at first and totally fabulous once you have done it!!

Enjoy the new