How are you spending Valentine’s Day?

With Valentine’s only two days away and hearts popping up everywhere; how does your heart feel? In class you have held your hands over your heart and massaging in your thoughts of gratitude and mindfulness. We also take time for heart openers and expansive breathing to center, focus and create a sense of relaxation and acceptance. As you move from class to your daily activities what things do you do to balance how your heart feels and your emotions.
February 14th CUPID is busy shooting arrows through hearts, florists are delivering roses by the dozens and restaurants are packed with couples celebrating their love. For me Valentine’s day comes with much emotional turmoil. The love I have for my husbands, children, family and friends. And, the sadness I feel when I think of those who are not with me or those I no longer interact with or see because loss and life choice changes. All of your feelings are real and need to be acknowledged. It is how you work through these feelings that I can offer you these suggestions – breathe and smile. Through the laughter, tears and maybe evening screams – just accept what you have had and have to today. Celebrate you and your amazing self by coming to a yoga class to be in the moment, write in a journal or write a letter to yourself or someone else, find a way to honor a special person that has passed, and get together with friends and family. 
I will be celebrating in my classes on Thursday by giving everyone a special treat and spreading love, gratitude and purpose to all!
Have a fabulous day and happy Valentine’s Day.