Where did the week go?

I had an entire week with nowhere to be and “what is a girl to do”? After getting out of my way and putting my bathing suit away, I decided to embrace a week without a schedule or plan. Better said than done! Since I like working with my clients and teaching my classes, I immediately reached out to put some clients back on my schedule; and after a few calls, I realized that I could take time for me.

And, it turned out to be a really good idea. Not having a fixed scheduled, I was able to do things like take a few classes instead of teaching and meet some new friends on the mat. I looked for new healthy recipes, worked on some new yoga sequences, caught up on work and most importantly got to spend more time with my husband!

We work hard to balance the scales daily from family and friends to work and fun, it can often feel like walking a tightrope. I was able to cycle off the treadmill created a new step in my routine that gave me a deeper sense of being the present finding time to laugh a little louder and walk a little slower without pushing through the week. 

My advice, take advantage of the small slices of free time you may have or create your own. Fill the time doing something new or something you have wanted to do and just didn’t have the time for. If you are interested in such a slice of time away from your routine, I invite you to join me for a my upcoming spring retreat. It will be restorative, relaxing and re-energizing!

See you on the mat