What do you do when things don’t go according to plan!

I am looking out my window as the snow is coming down in Baltimore instead of relaxing in sunny Florida. While it is a bummer, I must put everything into perspective — life happens and there is nothing we can do about it!

How I dealt with this situation gets me to the message of today’s blog. How we react to a change and disappointment can trigger may feelings. Do we shut down, pout, get angry or just pity ourselves? I was boiling inside and felt all these emotions. Each time we make a plan or have an expectation and things fall apart we are disappointed, then feel how unfair lie is – why me, which leads to a pity party with some pouting and maybe a small amount of anger. And, then we put things into perspective and evaluate the events and circumstances.  Which helps to push these feelings away and allow us to focus on what really truly matters – is everyone and everything is ok!

While I am still disappointed and don’t like the freezing weather outside, life moves on, I will get to go away next month, and things will move on. How we move through these bumps and detours that can cause stress, dismay and drama is a personal choice; and I encourage you to be forgiving to the crazy in life and find something to smile about just when you really want to scream! 

I hope you have a fabulous week and while I won’t see as an instructor, I may see on you as a student. Namesta