Are you on track with your resolutions?

Whether you decided to join a gym, eat more salads or spend more time with your partner instead of technology, how are you doing? It is easy to make small changes in our lives however when we tackle a big change, like our diet and routine, we have good intentions however often barriers and set backs may occur. Well, let’s face it, that is a life lesson. My advice is to remember that you change your diet with each meal, you get off your devices in increments – at meals – and increase your exercise routine a day at a time by adding more minutes and repetitions gradually. 
Falling down and getting back up is progress; cutting out cookies after every meal and saving dessert for dinner; and running a marathon take time. Making a resolution is a declaration that you want to accomplishment something. You can do it! Focus on your goal and take the steps needed to get there.
Please share your progress and suggestions to stay on track. See you on the mat.