Are you curious about essential oils?

Recently I decided to switch from candles to oils. I love the way my home smells when my favorite candle was burning and wanted to find out what was the “big deal” with essential oils. I asked questions, read articles and finally picked up a mixed pack of basic oils. Similar scents to my candles – lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus. Then when I got home, I read some more and realized that oils can be sniffed, diffused in the air and rubbed on the body – cool! I am really enjoying the benefits of the original oils I purchased and now have a better understanding of how scents impact our mood, emotions and overall state-of-being. From loosening a tight muscle, to relaxing for a restful night sleep, to taking off the edge when anxiety sets in, essential oils are power-packed. I am so glad that I got the whiff and no longer need to turn my car around on the way to class because I forgot whether or not I left a candle burning.  And, with anything that is new and can affect your wellbeing and overall health, be sure to find out what is good for your needs and self-care.

Looking forward to hearing about your oil experience.