What aren’t you giving up this holiday season?

Oh no it’s the holiday season! All the parties and family  gatherings have started. Hold on tight and don’t let anything go out the door as you pull out of the driveway. Keep you self-control in-check when it comes to eating and drinking! Everything looks so yummy and we want to eat it all! We say to ourselves it’s just one night, one party, one treat! It’s only the 4th and December is a long and festive month.


Hit stop, look around at the food and what is it you really want? Start with the protein, move to the veggies and fill in the rest of the plate with bite sizes of the extra’s that you really want. In this way, you don’t have to compromise and can try it all! I suggest that when it comes to the appetizers take a small taste or skipping it all together and leave room for dinner! My favorite part dessert! Try taking a sliver of pie or a spoonful of whatever else you want to try!


Remember just a taste is usually just as satisfying. Happy Holidays!
