Did your body ache when you got out of bed Monday morning?

I love the recent change in weather and all being outside. For many of us, the past weekend was the time to uncover the deck furniture, clean our flower beds, play a round of golf, go for a long walk and possibly even play tennis. If you participated in one or more of these activities, chances are that you used some muscles that had been in hibernation.

The idea of my body telling me, I have done way more that I should have is not new; however, it is one of those things that continually surprises me. And, what I have come to realize is that pacing myself when I start a project is a good solution and will feel so much better. For example, if cleaning the yard is like training for the marathon – I don’t think that I would set out tomorrow to run 26 miles, would you?

I encourage my clients to embrace spring and all the outdoor activities and chores in a realistic manner so that everything is achieved without pain in the back, knees and arms. For me, I will divide a project into parts, will play 9 holes instead of 18 holes to get into the swing of things and not do too much in at one time. For example, you can clear the beds one day and plant the following weekend; cleaning the deck furniture one weekend and the deck the next; and extending my walks/runs over time.

And, most importantly, stretch before you all of your activities, take time to rest and breath between tasks, have the right equipment and wear the correct shoes and clothing.  

I look forward to hearing what you may be doing and seeing you in motion. Please check out my schedule for classes and other activities to ensure that what ever you do is a “good” fit4you!