What is your stomach telling you?

You know how people say – listen to your gut. Or, heard expressions like – my stomach is in knots, gut-wrenching experience or butterflies in my stomach?

When we go through something that makes us excited, puts us on edge or makes us sad our stomach is on high alert. As well as when we eat or drink certain foods, this intake can change our mood or behavior. Yes, it is true, our emotions can affect our stomach. There has been a lot of research about the gut and mind connection and when you search the internet you will find numerous books and articles. The Mind-Gut Connection by EmeranMayer, MD which is very popular.

As a trainer and instructor, I can recognize the physical and emotional changes when there is something going on; good, bad or just different. Yoga is a great source of nutrition for the body and mind to help get through the challenges and changes in our life and the world around us. As we move through the day we can react in many ways and while you may not be able to get to a yoga class, you can just take a minute to slow down, stop and breathe, drink a glass of water, and be mindful not be grab a cookie or bag of chips. 
