A Kinder, Gentler Workout

YES! You can stop before you drop and still be fit and fabulous!
For those of us who are 50-something, being cautious about getting injured while working out is not only reasonable … it’s smart. The good news is, living a healthy lifestyle and reaching your fitness goals doesn’t require a heavy duty work-out and certainly shouldn’t deprive you of life’s simple pleasures.
You’re still reaching higher goals, while still pushing to do better. The secret to this fitness success? Personal BALANCE. Not your neighbor’s idea of balance or the media’s (photoshop in magazines and TV ads are ridiculous) … It’s about a well-rounded, customized routine that’s “Fit 4 You.” A balance of mind, body and life in the fast lane.
How do I help my clients find and maintain balance? Through toning, relaxation, strengthening, endurance and empowerment… and let’s not forget FUN. The goal is to live healthy and be comfortable in your “happy place.” YOUR Life. YOUR Balance.
You don’t have to be a cardio junkie to get your fitness fix or a bench press champion to get the definition you desire. And life’s way too short to deny yourself a yummy dessert or that “just what you needed” glass of wine.
If you’re ready to find that sweet spot between gentle and effective … Let’s Talk.
Being Fit and Healthy Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Did you know yoga can make your muscles just as strong as lifting weights? And you’d be amazed at how many calories you can burn. Of course, there’s always the bonus of increased flexibility and decreased stress when you experience your inner yogi.
Learn to control your breathing. Research shows productive deep breathing makes you happier, sleep better, reduces anxiety and can make your heart healthier. So simple, yet so helpful.
Are you wired … and tired when it’s time to go to bed? What you do, or don’t do during the day, affects how you sleep. Absorbing sunlight can help, but blue light from your phone, tablet or computer messes with your body’s melatonin. (FYI – There’s an APP that reduces the blue light on electronic devices.) Also, moving your body during the day helps you sleep at night.
We can all agree that the rewards of meditation are a-maz-ing. But meditating
is not the same for everyone. Some people chill by knitting, playing golf, shopping (aren’t you happy I went there?) or by just sitting still. No matter what you choose … embrace it and relax.
They say it’s not about the glass being half empty or half full … it’s about knowing the glass can always be refilled. Life gets tough. We can’t always be Little Miss or Mr. Sunshine, but the right attitude can be a game/life changer. Be thankful. Be kind to yourself. Be satisfied. And know that you have the power to make a change.
Embrace the beauty of mono-tasking. Take the scenic route. Play with a puppy. Spend time with family and friends. Are you smiling? I am.
Be Fit. Be Healthy.