3 Yoga Poses to Start the Day Fresh

With the sun rising a little later each morning and temperatures getting colder, it’s harder to find motivation to get out of bed every morning. These three yoga poses are great for stretching and easing into your day. Try one or all three!
Lotus position is a classic yoga pose and is traditionally used for meditation. Starting your day in this pose will help calm the brain, stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder, and stretch your ankles and knees. Take a few deep breaths in this position. It will help opens the hips, strengthen the core, and increase energy and pranic flow.
Ardha Chandrasana will tone the lumbar and sacral spine, helping to relieve backaches and sciatica. This pose will open the ribs and intercostal muscles helping create a fuller breath.
Now that you’ve worked on a breathing pose and a strengthening pose, try a balance pose — tree! It helps to create balance in the body and mind. Pretend you’re holding a baby bird so that you’re not pressing your hands together. When you press your finger tips together you shut down your diaphragm and shut down your mobility and flexibility.