Are You Packing the Right Lunch?

Right pens, pencils, paper, backpacks, books… but are you packing the right lunch?
If your child is buying lunch encourage them to choose meals that include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Have them try to avoid fried foods when possible and water or skin milk instead of soda and punch.
If your child is packing lunch try other foods beside peanut butter and jelly. Try whole wheat breads, pita or wraps. Choose lean deli meat, grilled chicken and salads.
Healthy Lunch Tips
The best lunch for your children are ones where they help pick out what goes into them.
Always encourage your child to pick healthy flavorful items.
A good lunch will include a good source of protein, carbohydrates, and some fat.
Try to include a variety of foods from at least four food groups: grain products, vegetable/fruit, milk products and meat.
Try to keep lunch exciting, instead of the same thing everyday.
Snacks are important because children cannot eat as much as an adult and get hungry between meals.
Look for snacks that pack a lot of nutrition in quick tasty bites