Fall Fit Tips

Suffering with lower back pain? Sitting in your chair or car just feels uncomfortable? Hamstrings are tight? You bend over and you feel as if you are going to snap apart like a rubber band and your belly hangs over? Feeling winded and out of shape? Exhausted just carrying the laundry basket up or down the steps? Feeling unmotivated? Just want to hang out on the couch and watch TV instead of enjoying the cool warm days? Suddenly your clothes feel tight and your nutritional program is no longer working? You are feeling sad, or spiritually unconnected now that the sun sets earlier and rises later?
Sometimes seasons affect your fitness. Feel like you’re falling apart with the arrival of fall? Here are 5 fall Fitness tips to help you feel your best.
5 Fall Fitness Tips
1. Always eat breakfast to jump start your metabolism.
2. Remember to stand up tall, chin level with the ground and eyes on the horizon, shoulder blades down the back,core center engaged, tailbone and pubic bone lengthened, and knees soft.
3. Stretching daily will help keep you flexible.
4. Mix it up! Try something new to keep your body and mind stimulated.
5.Be truthful and honest with yourself and body.